Do you have a toboggan you'd like to incorporate into your Christmas decor?
Several years back, I purchased an old toboggan at a local yard sale. I had been hoping to come across one because, not long before that, we had been at a family Christmas party at my cousin's house and she had one propped up so beautifully at the bottom of her finished basement stairs. And my favorite part was that she had an old pair of white figure skates hanging on it. I fell in love with this idea! From then on, I was on a mission to find a toboggan. So, when I spotted that one from the car as we drove through a local neighborhood's yard sale, I think I parked and power walked my way up to that thing in record time.
The next step was to search on the local swap sites for some skates and BOOM... I was one happy gal! But I did not have a nice wall in front of which to prop mine like my cousin did so - where was this beaut of a sled to go? It took some thinking and, while I really did want it inside the house, it just wasn't meant to be. So, I've been using it on my front porch beside the front door.

What I like about the height of this monster is that it also allows me to layer other things in front of it. I can use the first wooden sled I ever made for our sled workshops in front of it. I can put smaller Christmas trees in front of it, or pointsettias. There are lots of options. But I can definitely hang the skates along with some greens and still have room for the items I want to layer down below.

Check out these other toboggan ideas!
This toboggan has wooden letters attached to spell JOY.

This one from Reclaimed looks so stunning on the door with the greenery and little sign!

Some people have even added shelves to their toboggans (mine actually came that way but I took them off because it was just too hard to store).
Do you have an old sled from your childhood you'd like to use in a new way?
My husband has an old sled from his childhood that I typically just lean against the wall beside the door our near our door. This year, I have seen a couple of posts on Instagram in which these were used on coffee tables or dining tables. I decided I LOVE this idea and wanted to give it a shot on my dining table on top of our fuzzy white table runner.

Other ways to incorporate old sleds into your Christmas Decor...
Isn't this a pretty set up by Live Laugh Rowe with this old sled just propped up by a chair? This would work right through the winter months.

Isn't this adorable? This pin from Funky Junk Interiors takes an old sled and converts it into a bathroom storage unit!

I like my small sled that I made as a sample for our sled workshops right here in our entry way by one of our trees to greet people. Lots of folks put these on a porch or beside a fireplace. What's that you said? You want to make one of these? Well you're still in luck! You can grab one of our last sleds in stock and make one yourself (or for a gift) at our December 13th open workshop! Oh, you're not local? Then you could grab one of our small sleigh kits and do one at home!

And, last but not least... my cousin sent me this sled her son got from Austria. They stack their presents on it as they wrap them. Isn't that fun?

Do you use sleds in your decor? Do you have any unique ways of displaying them? Happy decorating! - Laura
My mom always had the old wooden sleds we grew up riding as decoration. I love the dining table idea!
My mother in law always put a sled on their front stoop at the holidays. We have put one on our front porch the last couple of years. Need to get my Peace on earth sign sealed so I can add that to the front porch with the sled. Wish my tables were wider so I could put a small on my dining room table.
I love all these ideas Laura especially the sled on your table. It looks awesome! My parents had an old sleigh & this year we decorated it with pine & my dad put it on their front porch.
I just found an old sled yesterday and hope to clean it up, spruce up the paint and use it in the future for decorating! Love the simplicity of the chair with sled pictured and it’s versatility all winter!
Thank you for such a wonderful inspiration. My husband saved his childhood sled and I wasn’t sure what to do with it and now I do! I’m going to give it to him for Christmas this year. I have a feeling he will get emotional with beautiful memories because his only younger brother passed away in Aug. Thanks for your spark of creativity which motivates so many!